Sunday, 11 August 2013

The Popularity of Acupuncture all over the World

Acupuncture is an ancient medical treatment that was first practiced in China more than 2000 years ago.The Chinese acupuncturists used herbs and the needle insertion method to cure many health problems.By the 6th century it spread to other Asian countries especially Japan and Korea who with the passing of time developed their style of acupuncture though they maintained the originality of the Chinese one.It is a drug and surgery free treatment that is why it renders no kind of side effects. 

The western countries used to regard this ancient holistic medical approach as prejudiced and were not sure of its results.It is recently these countries have started recognizing it as an effective as well as safe treatment than the conventional methods.Acupuncture is effectual many health problems like fevers,cough and cold, infections,digestive problems and even some very complicated health problems.

Acupuncturists believe that health issues occur when there is disruption in the energy flow in the whole body. So to bring back the flow of energy in the body they insert thin needles in specific points known as acupuncture points to stimulate them which gradually bring relief in the whole structure.This method is less painful and is known to improve the health condition apart from the specific health problem.All the three acupuncture styles believe in this principle only their methods are bit different.

Today as this ancient medical practice have spread to the western countries new techniques are being used to get better results.This may include bioelectric medicines,moxibustion,laser therapy and more which several clinics all over the world are using along with the acupuncture treatement.