Japanese Style Acupuncture is one of the fastest growing medical
treatment methods in Australia. It is a completely wrong notion that it is the
same thing as Chinese Acupuncture. In reality, it is related to Chinese Acupuncture
and yet is different as far as tools and practices are concerned. This
alternate means of healing the body and mind was brought over to Japan through
Korea. Today it is growing in popularity all over the world.
Although acupuncture practices of both the countries are extremely beneficial, the Japanese Style Acupuncture is far more popular today. Perhaps the foremost reason for this is the nature of needles which are used in traditional Chinese practice. They are generally much longer, and although they do not hurt at all, people seem to have developed a wrong notion that they do. This is why they have turned to the Japanese branch of acupuncture, where the needle is smaller and thinner.
Although acupuncture practices of both the countries are extremely beneficial, the Japanese Style Acupuncture is far more popular today. Perhaps the foremost reason for this is the nature of needles which are used in traditional Chinese practice. They are generally much longer, and although they do not hurt at all, people seem to have developed a wrong notion that they do. This is why they have turned to the Japanese branch of acupuncture, where the needle is smaller and thinner.
Japanese Acupuncture Clinic is an Acupuncture Clinic in Glenelg located in Australia where people can avail the benefits
of the practice. Indeed, while mainstream treatment methods focus on healing
the body only, this alternate healing practice focuses on healing the body and
mind to give the patients a complete healing experience. The clinic boasts of
having some of the finest doctors in the field and of presenting the unique and
wonderful secrets of Japanese style acupuncture. Its services are many and
range from the popular moxibusion in which moxa sticks are inserted into warmed
acupuncture points, to the Asyra Bio Electric Medicine Scan System in which the
patient’s body is scanned for imbalances and is treated by means of a medical
A huge advantage of these treatments is that they are more than capable all manners of illnesses and diseases such as back pain, arthritis, hormonal imbalances, emotional imbalances and much more.
A huge advantage of these treatments is that they are more than capable all manners of illnesses and diseases such as back pain, arthritis, hormonal imbalances, emotional imbalances and much more.