The Japanese Acupuncture Clinic is an establishment in Australia which imparts treatments based on the ancient medical healing art of acupuncture. The method of healing here is based on the Japanese method of acupuncture. This may seem strange to you. Didn’t the art emerge in China? Yes it certainly did but it also did spread to many other countries, for instance Japan and Korea. The people of these countries adopted the methods of suit their culture and needs and therefore, to us in the modern world the methods may seem different and confusing. However, the bottom line is that all of the three methods are capable of the same benefits. The Japanese style of acupuncture is becoming more and more popular today because it is seen as less painful. Under this process the needles are much thinner, which translates to many people as less painful than the other methods.
At this clinic you shall be attended by some of the best acupuncturists in the country, and that means that your health shall be in the best hands. The practitioners shall, after the initial consultation, diagnose your ailment or situation by observing the abdominal palpitations. When this is done your ailment is detected easily. There are many kinds of treatments which you can come to expect here. The first of them is the Biomes Therapy in which the acupuncturists spray a tincture under the tongue so that the brain registers what the physical problem is. To supplement the effort, saline drops are injected with fine needles to the various Glenelg Acupuncture Points.
Another Biomes Therapy treatment method is the Asyra Bio Electric Medicine Scan System in which a machine is used for diagnosis. Other treatment methods here include Arthro Kenematic Approach and Moxibustion.
Another Biomes Therapy treatment method is the Asyra Bio Electric Medicine Scan System in which a machine is used for diagnosis. Other treatment methods here include Arthro Kenematic Approach and Moxibustion.