It might surprise you to know that the condition of your health and well being can be improved at any given time merely with needles. But this is completely true. There are several disciplines, all originating in the Far East, which offer treatments for physical pain, injuries, illness and other afflictions with needles. One of the most well known of such disciplines is the Japanese Acupuncture.
Japanese Acupuncture is a derived branch of Chinese Acupuncture, which is what we commonly refer to or remembers all the time as the Chinese discipline. It is interesting to know the history of the development of the Japanese acupuncture. Given the effectiveness of Chinese acupuncture, it spread in time to the nearby lands of Korea and Japan. In these states, since the culture and the way of life was different, people started to adapt the medical treatments according to their needs and temperaments. Therefore, instead of the broader needles and herbal medicines of Chinese acupuncture came the thinner needles and physical messaging of the newly developed Japanese acupuncture.
Today, you can gain the benefits of this miraculous medical discipline in Australia itself. The Japanese Acupuncture Adelaide Clinic offers you affordable treatments in this discipline. It offers treatment through various methods. One of the most effective and popular of the methods is that of Moxibustion. In this healing method, special moxa sticks are heated up and inserted into the patient’s acupuncture points. The sticks heat, heal as well as stimulate the Glenelg Acupuncture Points. At times, some of the points need to be warmed up sufficiently before the introduction of the moxa sticks. Other methods of treatments are Arthro Kinematic Approach, Asyra Bio Electric Medicine Scan System and Biomeso Therapy.