Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical practice is the
world.It originated in China but later came to Japan and Korea in the 6th
century BC.In Japan
acupuncture is known to popularize by a Chinese monk who practiced acupuncture.It is an alternative form of medicine
which has natural power to heal many health problems.It is also known to
generate the well being of the whole system apart from treating the problem.
Though acupuncture was first started in China but today the Japanese Style Acupuncture have great popularity for its mild nature.The reason behind this is that very
thin needles are shallowly inserted in the body which works to heal all
discomforts in the body.But then both the types of acupuncture believe in the
working of the energy flow within the body.
Energy flow or qi in the body regulates the whole system as
well as its functioning.But if this energy flow within the body is blocked due
to many problems,the whole functioning of the body is affected and the
situation can get worse of not treated.So,by acupuncture needle insertion method
on the acupuncture points a pathway
is made for the proper flow of the energy.
By this technique the patient will feel no pain and it will
help in freeing the whole system from other anomalies apart from the main
problem.It feel generate a soothing as
well as relaxing feeling in the body so that it functions properly.
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